

Who is a Sponsor?

Sponsors are men and women who have worked the CoDA 12 Step Program and thereby are available to mentor a sponsee with working the program through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions. A sponsor is not a banker, savior, caretaker, or lover.

Who is a Sponsee?

A sponsee is someone who has been active with their personal recovery and seeking a positive relationship in a safe and supporting environment focused on working the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions. Sponsees may or may not be new to the CoDA Program. The nature of the sponsee-sponsor relationship is created by the mutual consent of both.

Sponsee’s Goals

Accept that the Sponsor has high expectations of them as Sponsees. Some of the Sponsor’s expectations are:

  • Sponsee will be open to new ideas.
  • Sponsee will share their new tools with others.
  • Sponsee will do the work.
  • Sponsee will call every day at agreed upon time.
  • Sponsee will share only for 15 minutes each day.
  • Sponsee will practice “H O W” – Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness.
  • Sponsee will leave the “Well But” and “Only If” excuses behind.
  • Sponsee will be respectful of their and the Sponsor’s time and space.
  • Sponsee will work no more than 30 minutes a day on the answer.
  • Sponsee will allow the healing process to go as deeply as possible in the time allowed.
  • Sponsee will trust the process knowing that if more healing work needs to be done on any particular issue, it will come up again.
Remember: “Progress, Not Perfection”