SACI Events
Upcoming events will be shown here
Welcome to SACI
The Sacramento Area CoDA Intergroup (SACI) is a group of men and women who have found value in working the Co-Dependents Anonymous 12 Step Program. This group chooses to do service by supporting recovery meetings in the area extending from Mt. Shasta to Fresno, to the California – Nevada border.
SACI Mission
Comprised of a group of volunteers and representatives from throughout the region, SACI meets once each month to empower and promote the general welfare of CoDA meetings. SACI recognizes and seeks to promote the willingness and dedication of volunteers becoming involved; i.e., starting meetings, becoming a sponsor, etc. Become part of a supportive and dynamic service group.
Building an interactive CoDA community is an important element of our mission - thereby encouraging and supporting healthy meetings through the region. Tools include interactive website discussion pages discussing issues and an exchange of ideas between those actively or wanting to be involved in giving back to the community.
New to CoDA?
Being open to the possibility of being co-dependent is the first step toward finding the courage and willingness to attend a meeting and beginning to work the program. CoDA is a spiritually based program based on the 12 Steps adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous.
What is Co-Dependency?
Symptoms of co-dependency appear in our lives in various ways and are often not singular or well defined. Being co-dependent is recognized by mental health providers as a significant contributor to various forms of health and psychological distress. More
CoDA is a 'grassroots' organization. Each person participates, at their own pace, in their own personal recovery from co-dependency. Many have shared that meetings are a sacred place to share experience, strength, and hope in a safe environment free from criticism, advice, or cross talk.
Find a meetingNewcomer Welcome Packet
The Welcome Packet is an introduction to the CoDA program for newcomers with the tools to help you determine if you are co-dependent.
Welcome Packet PDFShare Your Experience, Strength and Hope
CoDA wants your personal stories and poems reflecting experience, strength & hope in your recovery from codependency (recovery in other 12 Step programs can be mentioned only peripherally, not as the focus).
Start Sharing“30 Questions”
Introduction to Sponsorship Thinking about being a sponsor or possibly seek a sponsor? The 30 Questions is an in-depth introduction to the CoDA 12 Step program highlighting Steps 1, 2, and 3.
"30 Questions" PDF