CoDA Foundational Literature

CoDA Program Consistency

CoDA relies upon a unified message and consistency for those working the Steps. CoDA unity is maintained by providing access to approved books, workbooks, and literature. Some may share their experience and perhaps recommend other printed or online resources which may not be CoDA approved. Attend a meeting or contact us to inquire whether a book or other literature has been approved by CoDA.

Why We Read These?

Many ask why we read the “Foundational Literature” at each meeting. We believe there is much value to be gained starting out a CoDA meeting affirming at each meeting the value we find to the program and assure that the meeting follows the 12 Traditions.

CoDA Foundational Literature

A CoDA group reads CoDA’s Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and the copyrighted “Welcome” and “Preamble” as they are written. These readings, along with the availability of CoDA Service Conference Endorsed literature at your meeting, help to support a sense of CoDA unity as called for in CoDA’s First Tradition. These are our foundation Documents. Click here to see a full list of materials available from

  • Preamble
  • Welcome (Long)
  • Welcome (Short)
  • Recovery Pamphlet
  • Twelve Steps
  • Twelve Traditions
  • For Safety’s Sake (Floor Tent)
  • Patterns & Characteristics
  • Twelve Promises